Wednesday, May 3, 2017

June 6 ... Devote All To Him

His divine power has granted to us all things
that pertain to life and godliness,
through the knowledge of Him
Who called us to His own glory and excellence.
II Peter 1:3

I surrender all unto Your holy will.
All my self and selfishness,
all self seeking arrogance,
all defending of my rights,
all that might displease You.

I devote myself to You,
giving You my all,
for I need Your godliness 
and Your humility.
I surrender all my life
that You might reign in me,
that I might wholly live for You
in love and purity.

Romans 6:16; John 5:30; I Samuel 2:2-3; Titus 1:7-8; Philippians 2:21; I Corinthians 10:24; I John 3:22-23; I Corinthians 13:4; Psalm 19:14; I Timothy 6:11; II Peter 1:3; I Peter 5:5; I Timothy 4:12

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