Monday, May 15, 2017

August 24 ... Expect New Things

Now if we have died with Christ
we believe that we shall also live with Him!
Romans 6:8

Rise to meet the Lord of glory!
He has given you His life.

Rise from death into His newness!
Let Him live in and through you.

There's release if you submit now.
There's a freedom and a joy.

If you put down all your old ways,
He will lift you by His power.

It's His plan to recreate you,
spirit, mind and soul.

His desire is to make new
by the Spirit of the Lord.

Don't look back into the past things;
let His resurrection come.

He has wondrous plans for your life.

Come, rise with the Son!

II Corinthians 5:15; Romans 6:8, 13; Acts 3:19; John 5:21; Colossians 3:10; Isaiah 43:18-19; Philippians 3:13-14; Ecclesiastes 7:8; Song of Solomon 2:13

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