Friday, May 12, 2017

August 12 ... Be Resurrected

Delight yourselves in the Lord
and continue to rejoice
that you are in Him.
Philippians 3:1

Let's rejoice in God Almighty
and His power to change our hearts,
giving praise for His great mercy
and His will that becomes ours.

Blow upon us, Holy Spirit,
by Your resurrection power,
as we come to meet with You
in this early morning hour.

There is much we need to learn
from You, our mighty Teacher,
and we set our hearts to hear You
and to rise up and obey.

For it's God Who wills to make us
ever more like His dear Son,
and the Spirit Who will prompt us
to the growth that must be done.

For our time with Him each morning
in the Word and prayer,
will prepare us for the testings
and for resurrection day!

Philippians 3:1,7; Deuteronomy 4:29-31; I Samuel 10:6-7; Philippians 3:11-12; Isaiah 30:20; 28:26; Psalm 94:9-12; James 2:17; Colossians 1:29; Isaiah 33:2-6; I Peter 4:12-13; I Corinthians 15:44

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