Saturday, May 20, 2017

September 26 ... Speak Forth Life

The lips of the righteous feed and guide many.
The mouth of the righteous brings forth 
skillful and godly wisdom.
Proverbs 10:21, 31

Purify my tongue, O Lord,
keep a watch on what I say.
I'll not be a hypocrite,
speaking forth self-righteously.

May I always speak out life,
never speak destructively.
May I think and kindly speak,
not bursting forth impulsively.

May gossip never be a part
of my heart and mind.
May I take heed and guard my tongue,
sinning not in what I say,
taking Your silent example,
trusting in Your perfect way.

May my conversation be
a sign of your pure life in me.
May I be so filled with You,
self control comes naturally.

And may praise and joyful singing
come forth from me constantly!

Psalm 141:3-4; Proverbs 15:4; James 3:4-5; Colossians 4:6; James 1:19-20; 
Proverbs 11:12-13; Psalm 39:1; Proverbs 26:19-20; I Peter 2:22-23; James 3:2-3; 
Psalm 37:30-31; Proverbs 10:11, 19-21, 31; Psalm 51:14

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