Monday, May 15, 2017

August 23 ... Trust His Gentleness

Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth and faithfulness.
Psalm 31:5

O Lord, the death, the quietness
is so peaceful now.
Part of me just wants to stay
and not come back to life.

The living out of Your will
seems harder than the death.
At least, that's how it feels
now that it's over for awhile.

I guess all change is hard,
and it's trusting You that counts.
You are the forever faithful God!

O Lord, on You I throw my life
and ask that, in Your gentle way, 
You would come revive me...

Lamentations 3:26-32; Romans 6:5, 13; Psalm 9:10; 31:5; 3:3; Isaiah 57:15

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