Thursday, May 11, 2017

August 7 ... Trust The Shepherd

For you were going astray like sheep,
but now you have come back to the Shepherd
and Guardian of your souls.
I Peter 2:25

When we're submitted to the Shepherd,
He takes care of all our needs.

He's the One who leads to pasture.
It's His path that gives true peace.

He's the Shepherd Who anoints us.
It's His great unfailing love
that revives and that restores us;
His refreshing from above.

Come unto the great Provider.
Trust your Shepherd as a sheep.
Come and He will take you over
to His special dwelling place.

Genesis 49:24; John 10:9; Psalm 23:5-6; I Peter 2:24-25; Micah 5:4; Genesis 22:14; 
Ezekiel 34:31; Isaiah 40:11

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