Tuesday, May 16, 2017

September 2 ... Hear The Humble Call

Let this same attitude and humble mind be in you
which was in Christ Jesus.
Let Him be your example in humility.
Philippians 2:5

The deeper call, the purer life,
demands a greater sacrifice
of sin, of self, of my own way,
a giving of my life each day.

Casting down my will and pride
and all self exaltation.
Walking in His sacrifice
of death and resurrection.

Seeing that humility 
is the highest call.
Serving Him and serving others,
giving up my rights to all,
to walk as He has walked.

Even in our heavenly home,
Jesus will still serve,
though He's King and Lord of all.
Truly it's the greatest call.

And I must see this truth
and follow His example.

Luke 12:48; Philippians 2:17; II Corinthians 10:5; Isaiah 2:11; I Corinthians 2:2; Proverbs 18:12; Matthew 25:40; Philippians 2:7; Luke 12:37; Philippians 2:5

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