Wednesday, May 10, 2017

July 24 ... See Him Everywhere

There is none like God,
Who rides through the heavens to your help,
and in His majestic glory through the sky.
The eternal God is your refuge 
and underneath are the everlasting arms!
Deuteronomy 33:26-27

Those flying high
catch the glory
of being in the presence of the Lord.

Those walking low
just feel the glow
yet He is there as well.

For in His mercy and His grace,
Jesus comes to cause His face
to shine on you.

The God of heaven and of earth,
He is truly omnipresent.
In your highs and in your lows;
He is by your side.

Come and see Him bring His peace.
Let Him grow in you.
Let Him glow from you.
And His glory will be spread
throughout all the earth.

Deuteronomy 33:26-27; Isaiah 40:1-5; Psalm 67:1-2; Isaiah 43:1-7;
 II Thessalonians 1:2-4; John 17:4-10

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