Thursday, May 18, 2017

September 18 ... Come Be Filled

For the promise of the Holy Spirit is to you and your children
and to as many as the Lord bids come to Himself.
Acts 2:39

What a Holy Lord we have ~
                                        what an example He has been!

Can you imagine how John felt,
                                        when Jesus came before him
                                        to be baptized on that day?
And what a joy to all around
                                        as the voice of God was heard!
And the Spirit came on Him
                                        in such a mighty, moving way!

And that Spirit is here now
                                        to baptize you and me.
To give the witness of His power
                                        and that mighty move we need.
To fill us up with joy and singing,
                                        as we know the Truth.
To give His strength in everything,
                                        as we receive this Gift.

He's calling us to come! May we rise and follow Him!

Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 10:38; 1:5-8; Ephesians 5:18-19; I John 5:6-8; 
Acts 2:38-39; Matthew 4:19-22

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