Sunday, May 21, 2017

October 12 ... Pray His Heart

Why do you sleep?
Get up and pray that you may not enter into temptation.
Luke 22:46

When He calls you into prayer
to come before His throne,
do not worry what to say.
He has given you His spirit
and it's through You He will pray.

We're to come to Him as vessels.
He's the Potter, we're the clay.
Come to Him as little children,
yielded to His will and way.

He will use you in His Kingdom,
for it's those with humble hearts,
truly broken for His purpose,
that He calls as instruments.

Rise as a warrior, a priest set apart.
Come as He calls you;
lift people to God.

I Timothy 2:1; Luke 22:40, 46; Romans 8:26-27; II Timothy 2:21; Isaiah 64:8; 
Luke 18:14-17; I Peter 1:14; Matthew 5:3; Isaiah 66:2; I Peter 2:4-5; Malachi 2:5-7

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