Sunday, May 21, 2017

October 14 ... Lift Up His People

How often I have longed to gather your children together,
as a hen gather her chicks under her wings,
but you refused.
Matthew 23:37

He would have us intercede
for His chosen people.
As He wept for Jerusalem,
desiring their salvation,
so shall we weep
for the salvation
of those blessed ones.
They've been so deceived,
so blinded, so deaf,
they see not the Truth,
they know not their Messiah.

And He would have us intercede
for His chosen people,
the children of God
who know Him as Messiah
but not as Lord and King.
They've been deceived,
desiring to serve two masters.
They know not the Truth,
or they know,
but choose not to obey.

O Holy Spirit ~ Pray through us
for the revelation of Truth
to Your people.

O hear, you deaf. O look, you blind,
that you may see 
the glory of your God.

Psalm 122:6; Matthew 23:37; Isaiah 42:1, 6, 7, 18; Matthew 6:24

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