Wednesday, May 10, 2017

July 25 ... Harken To The Spirit

When He, the spirit of Truth comes,
He will guide you into all truth.
John 16:13

The Lord has spoken the truth in His Word,
and He alone can reveal it.

He can enlighten the words to your heart.
Rise up with hunger and seek it.

The prophets of old sought and searched faithfully,
but the Spirit to us has been given.

He knows the Father and He knows our minds.
He brings revelation to open our eyes.
He comes to reveal the Son.

O teach us, sweet Spirit.
May our hearts be softened.
May we listen and harken each day.

May our spirits be tender and may they be meek.
May we hear Your whispers
and leap to obey!

John 17:26; Ephesians 1:17; Matthew 5:6; I Peter 1:10-11; Psalm 119:18; John 16:12-15; 
Hebrews 3:7-8; Isaiah 51:1; Luke 9:35; 11:28

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