Wednesday, May 10, 2017

July 29 ... Trust His Love

In this union and communion with Him
love is brought to completion 
and attains perfection with us,
that we may have confidence.
I John 4:17

Changes are hard
but good for me.
They prove my faith or distrust.

May I see You 
in each of these,
expecting Your will as You lead and direct.

Show me the joy of trusting in You,
of leaning on You without fear.
For You are my God and there's no one like You.
I need You!
I bask in Your love!

For in perfect love is fear cast away,
and as I begin to know You
there's no place in my heart
for questions or doubt.

Your love prevails,
and I trust in You!

James 1:2-3; Psalm 26:2; I Peter 5:10; Psalm 18:30-33; I Timothy 5:5; Joshua 1:9; John 17:3; 
Nahum 1:7; I John 4:16-18; Philippians 3:10; Proverbs 23:26; II Chronicles 14:11

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