Wednesday, May 17, 2017

September 16 ... Conform To Your Call

For it is He Who delivered and saved us
and called us to a holy calling,
to a life of consecration.
II Timothy 1:9

Oftentimes we feel uneasy,
being separate from the world.
Yet that is part of our calling,
even part of our reward.

Sometimes we may even suffer
for not conforming to the world.
Yet, we can go forth rejoicing,
giving glory to the Lord.

Knowing that we are forgiven,
cleansed and called to live for Him,
with a life of consecration,
holiness as our vocation,
His plan for us before the world began.

So shout it from the mountain tops.
Never be ashamed.
Jesus came to bring us life.
We are blameless by His Name!

Romans 6:22; Ephesians 4:1-2; I Peter 4:14; II Peter 1:9-10; II Timothy 1:9; 
Isaiah 14:27; II Timothy 1:8; Ephesians 1:4

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