Saturday, May 6, 2017

July 2 ... Step Into The Water

Indeed, we felt within ourselves
that we had received the sentence of death;
but that was to keep us 
from trusting and depending on ourselves
instead of on God Who raises the dead...
on Him we have set our hope.
II Corinthians 1:9

He would have us come to Him,
walking on the water,
stepping out in faith to Him.

He will catch us when we falter;
He would have us trust Him
in our life and death,
yielding up our souls to Him,
knowing He'll revive us
as we die to our own flesh,
and live again by His great power.

For it is the hand of God
that moves on our behalf,
catching, leading, and upholding;
causing us to grow in Him
and to trust Him deeper.

Matthew 14:29-31; Psalm 119:40; Romans 8:12-13; I Chronicles 21:13; 
Ephesians 4:14-15; II Corinthians 1:9-10

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