Saturday, May 6, 2017

July 3 ... Reflect His Glory

Awake, O north wind, and come, O south wind!
Blow upon my garden, that its spices may flow
out in abundance for You in whom my soul delights.
Song of Solomon 4:16

The beauty of the sunrise
is the clouds up on the sky,
and the glory of the sun's reflection there.

The beauty of the ocean 
is the waves upon the sea,
and the brightness of the sun's refraction there.

The blowing of the wind
brings the clouds into the sky;
that blowing also moves upon the sea.

Blow, O Holy Spirit,
Your wind upon my soul,
that Your life my be reflected,
and Your glory may be seen.

Psalm 96:9-11; Job 37:15-16; Mark 4:41; Psalm 147:18; Song of Solomon 4:16; Acts 57:10-11

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