Wednesday, May 3, 2017

June 3 ... Find Contentment

Though He was rich, 
yet for your sake He became poor,
so that by His poverty
you might become rich.
II Corinthians 8:9

Godliness and contentment result in abundant gain;
This is a godly perspective.

But pride confuses values;
Craving for worldly gain
leads to temptation and dissatisfaction,
wrong focus, distraction,
and anxiety.

We must pursue righteousness and faith,
love and patience,
laying hold of eternal riches.

If we do have earthly profit,
we're not to despise those who do not,
or set our hope in anything or anyone
but God the Faithful Provider.

And we all can be rich
in good works,
and liberal in generosity,
laying up riches that endure forever.

I Timothy 6:6; Luke 12:15; I Timothy 6:11, 17; II Corinthians 8:2, 9; I Timothy 6:18-19

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