Thursday, April 6, 2017

January 12 ... Enjoy Him

My Beloved speaks and says to me,
Rise up, my love, my fair one,
and come away.
Song of Solomon 2:10

Raise Up!  Rise Up!  Fast and don't worry.
He will not give you a stone.
            But what you desire - He will do,
            As you walk in what He's planned just for you.

He will not leave you 
            or put you to shame.
But He will teach you
            and show you the way.

So just trust in Him, be hopeful and wait,
            Enjoying His goodness and companionship!

Wait in quietness before His throne and listen. He will speak peace to your heart and assurance that He is in your life. Hope in Him as your light at the end of a dark tunnel. Wait before Him and enjoy His presence. Let Him pour Himself upon you. Bask in His love.

Song of Solomon 2:10; Matthew 7:9-12; 6:33-34; I John 3:22; Hebrews 13:5-6; Psalm 25:3-5, 14; 31:1

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