Monday, April 24, 2017

April 20 ... Walk His Path

How much more shall the blood of Christ,
Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself
without blemish to God,
purify your conscience from dead works
to serve the Living God.
Hebrews 9:14

O child of God!
He's calling us to holiness, 
to following the Son.
Calling us to purity,
each and every one
whose hope is in the Lord.

His purpose for our lives
is devotion to His will,
a total consecration to His plan.

He's promised He would be the strength
we need, to be and do
what He purposed for us all
before the world began.

And these plans He will make known,
as we come before His throne,
set apart to walk the path
He has called us to.

II Timothy 1:9-10; I John 3:3; Philippians 2:13; Isaiah 26:12-13; Hebrews 9:13-14

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