Thursday, April 27, 2017

May 25 ... Choose In Wisdom

Look carefully then, how you walk,
live purposefully...
not as the unwise but as the wise.
Ephesians 5:15

Are they foolish 
not to see
that their Messiah's come?

And am I
not to see
He wants to rule 
my heart and home?

I look to You this morning, Lord;
reveal those parts of me
where I'm blinded to my sin;
come and cleanse my heart within.

May I learn to choose what's right
as we come together.
May my heart be white as snow
as You rule my heart and home.

Jeremiah 5:21; Ephesians 5:15; Psalm 69:5; 5:3-7; Isaiah 1:17-18; Psalm 128:1-4

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