Thursday, April 27, 2017

May 24 ... Focus On Him

Beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith,
make progress... praying in the Holy Spirit.
Jude 20

It is our faith in Him
that conquers our desires for the world.

The Israelites longed for Egypt,
for the comforts and the pleasures.
They lacked the faith and trust in God
that would have changed the focus
of their eyes and hearts.

Victory comes in our lives
when we see Him as our all in all.
The triumph over sinfulness
and the temptations of it
come to us as faith is built,
and as we set our minds and eyes
to seek the Lord,
not sinful self.

As we guard and keep ourselves
in His loving arms,
and all the while we walk by faith,
knowing He's the One
Who leads the triumph!

I John 5:4-5; Exodus 16:2-3; Psalm 78:19-22; 62:5-7; Jude 18-20; 
Deuteronomy 12:30-32; II Corinthians 2:14

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