Thursday, April 20, 2017

February 27 ... Heed His Call

I was ready to be inquired of by those who asked not;
I was waiting to be found by those who sought Me not.
I said, Here I am, Here I am to a nation that has not called on My name.
Isaiah 65:1

He would have us come to Him ~ 
                                              as His special jewels,
                                              as His peculiar treasures,
                                              as His chosen ones,
                                              as God's love gift to Him Son.

He would have us stay with Him ~
                                               for our comfort and our strength,
                                               for our peace of mind,
                                               for grace and our security,
                                               for power, guidance, wisdom, love
                                                           all He gives us from above.

We are treasured, of great value, cherished and adored.
                            He chose us long before the earth was formed.
We are His portion, joy to His heart, 
                            His priests, His children, His bride.
He draws and calls us and wants us to come,
                            to come unto Him to dwell and abide.

Can we refuse and turn away,
                                             failing to waken at dawn?
Can we look elsewhere, refusing the call,
                                             when He is our ALL in ALL?

Exodus 19:4-5; Malachi 3:17; John 17:13, 24; Isaiah 26:3-4; I Chronicles 16:11; Psalm 121:1-8; Hebrews 2:13; Ephesians 1:4-5; Romans 6:11; John 10:27-29; Exodus 20:18-21; I John 3:1-2; 
Isaiah 62:5; John 15:4, 15-16; Psalm 57:7; Isaiah 45:24; I John 5:20-21; Isaiah 65:1

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