Thursday, April 20, 2017

March 1 ... Come To The Garden Place

My Beloved Friend and I go into our special, secret enclosed and protected garden place. It smells wonderful and is hedged about and defended.
We fellowship among the fruit trees and spices. We pick and smell the blossoms of the crocus and lilies. We eat the grapes, figs and pomegranates.
The breezes blow the fragrance and we enjoy each other's company. The waterfalls and streams refresh us and we rest under the green leafy arbor or in the covert and sheltered places.
The Sun of Righteousness filters light upon us and we rejoice, sing and dance.
There is a time for rock climbing and a time of cultivation, breaking of ground and rocky places; planting new vineyards, pruning and bearing fruit.
Our companionship is satisfying and delightful. We know the hearts of the other and we share plans as special friends.
At times my Shepherd comes leaping over the hillside to me and we run together in fellowship more gladdening and reviving than wine. 
When I'm fearful, He leads me to sheltered places and when little foxes come they aren't allowed to spoil with their subtle ways.
We have a garden on the Mountain of Spices, a grassy meadow, a flowing stream. We have sweet fellowship in the dew of the morning. We have an arbor in the heat of the day. We have a hiding place on a stormy evening.

Gladness is in my heart!

The book of Song of Solomon

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