Thursday, April 20, 2017

March 3 ... Fall Before Him

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him.
Psalm 62:5

We glean from You
                    in the early morning hours.
We glean from Your presence
                    and Your Word.

We'll not go astray into another field.
                    We'll come to you and stay.
We'll watch and be with You 
                    both now and through the day.

Thank You, O Lord Jesus
                    for Your merciful protection,
                    and Your plentiful provision.

We fall before You
                    with grateful hearts of love
                                                and expectation!

Ruth 2:7-10; Psalm 125:2; 132:15; Proverbs 23:18-19; Psalm 62:5

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