Wednesday, April 26, 2017

May 3 ... Pour Out Your Soul To Him

Let my prayer be set forth as incense before You,
the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141:2

Oh, that the brokenness of our lives
would bring fragrance to our Lord,
that we would walk in unity
and be as an anointing;
that we would pour our hearts to Him 
and bring sweet smelling savor.

Oh, that the brokenness of our lives
would not be a stench to our Lord.
If we walk in unbelief 
and try to be as the world;
if we do not seek His face
but try to hide from Him,
the pure, sweet savor
will then not pour forth,
but will stagnate inside us.

Mark 14:3, 6; II Corinthians 2:15-16; Psalm 133:1-2; Lamentations 2:19; Ephesians 5:2; 
I Samuel 1:15; Proverbs 15:8; Psalm 141:2; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Isaiah 3:24; Psalm 119:92

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