Wednesday, April 26, 2017

May 8 ... Rest In His love

As a father loves his children,
so the Lord loves those who fear Him.
Psalm 103:13

Does it matter what you look like
if the beauty of the Lord is shining through?

Does it matter what you dress like
if the garment of His righteousness is on you?

It's not what's on the outside of the vessel.
It's the treasure on the inside that remains.

So rely on the Lord,
and the washing of the Word
to cleanse your heart and soul.

He'll make your face to shine
and your countenance glow,
as you yield to Him and His loving control.

I Peter 3:3-4; Job 29:14; Matthew 23:25-29; Proverbs 15:6; I Corinthians 4:7; Ephesians 5:26; Exodus 34:29; Song of Solomon 1:15; Romans 6:19; Psalm 103:13

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