Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 29 ... Come To The Garden Place

Seek the Lord and His strength,
see His face and yearn to be
in His presence continually.
I Chronicles 16:11

Oh, how great and marvelous
are His plans for us!
As we wake with Him in the garden,
as we overcome the weakness of our flesh,
to watch with Him in prayer,
persevering in obedience to His desire
of walking and talking with us
in the garden.

Oh, how great and mysterious
is His love for us!
As He meets with us in the garden,
as we commune with Him,
basking in His presence,
looking on His face
in the garden.

Oh, how great and wondrous
is His grace toward us!
As He calls us to the garden,
as we call upon His Name,
knowing our unworthiness,
seeing His mercy,
weeping as we know Him
in the garden.

Jeremiah 33:3; I Chronicles 16:11-12; Matthew 40:41; Ephesians 5:25, 32; Galatians 1:15; 
Romans 15:9; Acts 13:25; James 4:8-10; Psalm 105:1-5

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