Monday, April 24, 2017

April 19 ... Trust The King

Behold the Lord's eye is upon those who fear Him,
who revere and worship Him with awe;
who wait for Him and hope in His mercy.
Psalm 33:18

My times are in Your hands;
this brings such peace,
such rest to my mind.

Why do I worry about the needs?
For You truly know and see.

Why do I wonder what to say?
Your Spirit will give the words.

I will lift my eyes to You,
and I know Your's are on me.

I will follow where You lead,
for I know You,
and trust my King.
My times are in Your hands!

Psalm 31:14-15; 57:1; Luke 12:12, 23, 34; Psalm 123:1-2; Jeremiah 42:3; Psalm 33:18

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