Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 4 ... See Jesus

To You I cry, Oh Lord;
and in the morning shall my prayer come to meet You.
Psalm 88:13

Oh Lord, may we see You,
and may we see ourselves:

Your holiness  ~  our undoneness.
Your glory  ~  our uncleanness. 
Your forgiveness  ~  our iniquity.
You, High and lifted up  ~  our woe.
Your Power  ~  our weakness, our helplessness.
Your fullness  ~  our emptiness.
Your authority  ~  our submission.

Lord, I need You!
                                                 I need You!
I need You in my life!

Let me die, let me die.
That You might live within me!

I need You in my life!

Isaiah 6:3-7; Psalm 32:5-6; I Corinthians 15:36; Psalm 88:13

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