Saturday, April 22, 2017

March 30 ... Minister To Him

You try the heart and delight in uprightness.
I Chronicles 29:17

Oh, that I might minister to my Lord;
loving Him with my whole heart,
communing with Him in the morning hours,
bringing joy to Him by praising His Name,
bringing honor to Him by trust and obeying.

Drive out all unfaithfulness
you see that's in my heart.
I want pure devotion to my Heavenly Spouse.
You alone are worthy
of adoration and all praise.
You alone to be exalted
as we walk as Groom and Bride.

Isaiah 56:6; Psalm 9:1-2; I Chronicles 23:30; Isaiah 62:5; Psalm 22:8; Deuteronomy 11:22-23; 
I Chronicles 29:17; II Timothy 2:22; Psalm 108:5-6; Hosea 2:19-20

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