Thursday, April 20, 2017

March 5 ... Trust The Father

See what an incredible quality of love
the Father has given us
that we should be called
the children of God.
I John 3:1

Oh come, little children, come to the Father.
Oh, don't let fear turn you away.

Forget and forgive the past hurts and failures
of earthly relations you've had in past days.

He comes with gentleness and in perfect love.
His path is mercy and truth.
He comes to guide and bring His protection.
He'll be your shield.
He'll be your guardian.
He'll bring that dawn of new hope to your heart.

Let Him light your darkness.
Let Him take your fear.

Come, let Him be your Father.

I John 4:4, 16-19; Job 11:16-17; Philippians 3:13; I John 3:1; Psalm 25:10; 91:4-5; 
Esther 8:16; II Samuel 22:29; Romans 8:38-39

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