You are a fountain springing up in a garden,
a well of living waters.
Song of Solomon 4:15
Jesus, Fountain of Life ~
In Him is all life.
He fills me as I drink of Him,
and others are refreshed to hope and to rejoice.
Jesus, Spring of Water ~
In Him are dry wells filled,
the parched deserts watered,
and the valley of weeping becomes a place of springs.
Jesus, River of Life ~
That flows freely from the throne of God,
bringing such a satisfaction
and pleasure to my soul.
Jesus, Fountain of Living Water ~
That cleanses from sin,
bringing such healing and joy within.
May I never forsake.
May I come to You,
this Healing Stream!
Psalm 36:9; 87:7; John 7:37-38; Song of Solomon 4:15; Psalm 84:6; Revelation 22:1;
Psalm 36:18; Zechariah 13:1; Jeremiah 17:12-14
Amazing photo credit goes to!