Thursday, April 27, 2017

May 21 ... Shout With Thanksgiving

He drew me up our of a horrible pit
and set my feet upon a rock
steadying my steps and establishing my goings.
Psalm 40:2

Lord God,
           Your mercy overwhelms me!
            I disobey and yet You love me.
            I lose my zeal and yet You use me.
            My weak knees falter 
                       and Your strength overflows my being.
            My flesh nudges out my spirit and rules,
                       yet Your Spirit comes and intercedes
                                    and pulls me up,
                                    takes me in,
                                    urges me on to walk Your way!

O Gracious Father,
O Glorious Lord,
             My heart beats with thanksgiving.
             My soul cries in repentance.
                       I receive Your forgiveness
                       and shout with rejoicing.
              I bow at Your feet
                       in pure adoration.

Do this today. He's washed your sins away. Love and adore Him. Thank Him and praise Him. Kneel down and worship Your glorious Lord.  

Psalm 25:7; 119:138-140; Hebrews 12:12; Mark 14:38-42; Luke 22:32; Psalm 40:2; 86:15-16; Exodus 15:11; Psalm 5:11

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