Saturday, April 22, 2017

March 26 ... Trust His Leading

My sheep hear My voice,and I know them,
and they follow Me.
John 10:27

Can I trust the Lord Almighty?
The One Who made heaven and earth,
the One Who made me?

Does He not know every detail,
every circumstance on earth,
every plan before my birth?

Where does doubt emerge from,
and these fears and misgivings?
Questioning like a Pharisee,
not trusting like a sheep.

I will follow where He leads.

I will lift my eyes to His.

If I can not trust my God,
who can I turn to?
Who could I trust?

Isaiah 40:25-26; Psalm 139:13; 113:4-9; Jeremiah 29:11-12; John 10:26-27; 
I Chronicles 22:18-19; John 6:68-69; Psalm 34:8-9

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