Tuesday, April 18, 2017

February 9 ... Devour The Word

I am Your servant;
give me understanding and discernment
that I may know Your testimonies.
Psalm 119:125

Lord, Your Word is so astounding,
                               so amazing,
                               so perfect and pure.

No man's wisdom or understanding
                               can bring it to life
                               or make it clear.

The natural man, with unspiritual mind,
                               could never discern
                               or Your mysteries untwine.

It's only as You, in Your wisdom and might,
                               choose to meet us,
                               give divine insight,

Can Your created ones get a glimpse of their Creator,
                               and come to know You better.

II Samuel 22:31; I Corinthians 2:6, 7, 15; Psalm 119:64, 125, 151; Ephesians 1:8-9

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