Tuesday, April 18, 2017

February 14 ... Feel His Love

I am my Beloved's,
and His desire is toward me.
Song of Solomon 7:10

Don't be fearful,
                      come to Him.
Kneel at His feet,
                      caress them,
                      anoint them with your tears.

Look into His eyes,
                      tell Him of your love,
                      give Him all your fears.

He desires to bring you healing
                      and freedom from despair;
As you bow before Him,
                      accept His love and care.

Let His forgiveness flood your soul,
                      give to Him your all,
                      let Him make you whole.

Sit at His feet,
                      let the oil pour forth
                      as you exchange love
                                       in the inner chamber.

Luke 7:38-50; Hebrews 4:16; II Kings 9:2-3; Song of Solomon 7:10

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