Monday, April 17, 2017

February 3 ... Worship Jesus

When I came into your house
you gave Me no water for My feet,
but she has wet My feet with her tears
and wiped them with her hair.
Luke 7:44

Come to Him in adoration ~
Pour the perfume of your praise
                    upon the head of Jesus, your Love.

Come to Him in exaltation ~
Worship at His footstool,
                    giving thanks to Jesus, your holy Lord.

Come to Him in adulation ~
Bow before His presence;
                     cry upon the feet of Jesus, your King.

Come to Him in admiration ~
Giving all into His keeping;
                     turn your eyes and trust to Jesus,
                     your Everything.

Matthew 26:7; Psalm 99:5; 118:28-29; Luke 7:44; Psalm 33:8-9; II Timothy 1:12; Isaiah 26:3-4

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